Hasan Dudar is an Arab-American writer and journalist based in Washington, D.C.

His fiction has appeared in Gulf Coast and Mizna. He was a finalist in the 2024 Pinch Literary Awards in fiction.

His journalism has appeared in various publications such as USA Today, Detroit Free Press, The Toledo Blade, Bloomberg News, TRT World, and Aljazeera America.

Throughout his career, he has worked as a reporter, editor, and television producer.

He is originally from Toledo, Ohio.

He is represented by Iwalani Kim at Sanford J. Greenburger Associates.

Contact him at hasan.dudar[at]gmail.com.

the Last of Little Syria

An award-winning documentary that documents Toledo, Ohio’s fading Arab-American enclave, Little Syria.

Finding Home for the Homeless

A documentary on the rise in homelessness across America, with a special focus on Washington, D.C.

For TRT World’s series The Crossroads.

America’s Little Ukraine

Amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, we visited New York City’s Ukrainian community to talk to Ukrainian Americans impacted by the war.

For TRT World’s series The Crossroads.